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Project Menopause: Half Day Workshop

COST: $100

Life does not end when your period stops.

Join us for a half day workshop exploring perimenopause, what it is, and how to best support ourselves going through this process. We will cover metabolism, mood, sleep, hot flashes and more. You will leave with practical solutions to manage symptoms, non-pharmaceutical action steps to support your process, and a community of women to support you.

Allison Willette RN ND, naturopathic doctor, registered nurse and menopause coach. I live and work in Massachusetts in the lovely Connecticut River Valley. I specialize in working with women at midlife who want to improve their health and wellness. My goal as a menopause coach is to be a supportive ally and provide practical, realistic strategies to help my clients achieve the most optimal health possible as they move into the next phase of life.

May 7

Outdoor Yoga at The Ledges Golf Club: 4-Week Series

May 12

Mother’s Day Sound Bath Meditation