
Get Grounded. Feel Balanced. Live the Life You Want.

Yoga and mindfulness learnings, teachings and tips & tricks to support you through this thing called life.

Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman

Your Step By Step Guide to Stop Overthinking the Bad Stuff  

It feels almost impossible to stop your mind from overthinking - especially when we are caught in worry about bad stuff. It’s exhausting! When you are worried, your mind jumps from one thought to the next - spending tons of energy but getting nowhere. And The worst part is that it is all consuming. You can’t focus on anything else, you feel sick to your stomach, you might spend hours researching your concerns on the internet, or you might even jump to conclusions and react to situations that can end up damaging relationships. But mindfulness can help! Here are three simple steps you can take to ease your worry and better manage your anxiety.

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Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman

10 Mindfulness Activities to Reduce Anxiety and Feel Better

When I’m feeling anxious, stressed, angry or anything unpleasant, I typically want those feelings to just disappear. I mean, who wants to actually sit in feelings that make us uncomfortable? I might binge a show on Netflix, dive into work, eat a pint of ice cream, or make other “bad” choices to avoid feeling my feelings. And while these types of activities can be helpful in the moment, I also know that avoiding my feelings will make them more intense and have a negative impact on my health over time. Thankfully we can practice mindfulness activities to face our emotions in a healthy way instead of just ignoring them. Here are 10 mindfulness activities you can do in a short amount of time to reduce your anxiety and feel more calm.

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Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman

Overwhelmed? Here’s How To Rethink it.

The word “overwhelmed” seems to be how most people explain how they are feeling these days.  There seems to be too much to do and not enough time.  Tough projects seem impossible and even knowing where to start is a challenge when there is so much on your plate.  It’s all just too much. I completely get it.  But what if I told you there are ways you can rethink overwhelm in order to reduce your stress?  Today I’m sharing how reframing the issue can create the space you need to stop feeling overwhelmed and start being productive.  

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Anxiety Relief, Mindfulness Michele Lyman Anxiety Relief, Mindfulness Michele Lyman

How Concentration Can Ease Your Anxiety

Not only is our world full of distractions, but for those of us that struggle with anxiety, our overthinking minds fill up with intrusive thoughts about the past or future that have nothing to do with the task at hand, leaving us feeling scattered, forgetful and frustrated! And if you are anything like me, you might even beat yourself up for not being able to concentrate. Or at least that’s how I used to handle my lack of focus and concentration. But I’m here to tell you the good news! You can learn to cultivate a more concentrated mind, even when it feels almost impossible, so you can reduce your anxiety in order to feel more calm, creative and confident in your life.  

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Anxiety Relief, Mindfulness Michele Lyman Anxiety Relief, Mindfulness Michele Lyman

Are You Tired of Over-Apologizing? Here’s How Mindfulness Can Help.

If I had $1 for each time I said, “I’m sorry”, I would be a multimillionaire. I am an over-apologizer. I have been most of my life and until recently I thought I was apologizing to be polite and compassionate toward others. And although those are great reasons to apologize on occasion, over-apologizing because of my anxiety has become an involuntary response and it usually has nothing to do with me actually feeling remorse. If you can relate, I’m here to tell you there is good news! We can absolutely do something about this! After reading today’s blog, you’ll learn how anxiety impacts your need to apologize and how mindfulness techniques can help, which will give you the confidence you need to stop over-apologizing and reduce your anxiety.

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Anxiety Relief, Meditation Michele Lyman Anxiety Relief, Meditation Michele Lyman

Here’s My Exact Guide to Reduce Anxiety with Meditation 

When I first started my yoga practice in 2000, I had NO desire to meditate.  In fact, I didn’t think it was possible for someone with anxiety to completely quiet my mind.  Each time I tried to meditate, I got frustrated because my overthinking mind would kick into gear and I didn’t think I was “doing it right.”  So, eventually I stopped trying. 

Has this happened to you?  

If so, I’m happy to share that since 2016, when I was forced to learn how to meditate as part of an advanced yoga teacher training certification, I have been meditating regularly to better control my anxiety and I want the same for you! Today I’m going to share the basics of meditation so that you can use it with confidence to reduce your anxiety as well.  

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Anxiety Relief, Mindfulness Michele Lyman Anxiety Relief, Mindfulness Michele Lyman

5 Mindfulness Techniques to Reduce Your Anxiety During An Anxious Moment

Being caught in an anxious moment can be extremely debilitating.  How you feel during that moment can range from butterflies in your stomach to a full-on panic attack. And while it’s normal to experience anxiety from time to time, I’m talking about the feelings you have due to an anxiety disorder. 

During an anxious moment, you’re left feeling overwhelmed, scared, and unsure of what to do next.  I get it because I’ve been there too - A LOT.  And even though I still have anxious moments, I’ve learned how to remain more calm and relaxed, and I want the same for you. Today I’m sharing how you can better manage your anxiety with confidence and ease by using mindfulness techniques during anxious moments.    

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Anxiety Relief, Mindfulness Michele Lyman Anxiety Relief, Mindfulness Michele Lyman

How to Better Manage Social Anxiety Using Mindfulness

Today’s blog is all about Social Anxiety Disorder, also known as Social Phobia or SAD. It’s when you fear being judged or rejected in a social situation and although you logically know your thoughts are irrational, you believe there is nothing you can do to change. I’m here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with you and there is something you can do to feel better! Although I can’t make your anxiety go away, I can share with you how SAD impacts your day to day life and how mindfulness techniques can help you better manage this specific type of anxiety.

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Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman

How to Better Manage Your Anxiety Using Fear Planning

I don’t know about you, but I tend to think in absolutes, especially when I am afraid to make a big decision in my life.  I use words like “always” and “never” and think it’s either A or B and there are no options in between. And of course this “all-or-nothing” thinking causes my mind to ruminate, making me feel more anxious. In this blog I walk you through a cognitive technique called “Fear Planning” from Tim Ferris that will help you think through your fears and anxieties in a way that will reduce your anxiety and give you the confidence you need to make better decisions for your life.

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Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman

How To Tame Your Anxiety Beast

There are days that my anxiety is so high that I can’t get a hold of it. I feel hopeless, lost and overwhelmed. Can you relate? When I first started practicing yoga and mindfulness to help manage my anxiety, I thought I could actually make it “go away” by staying “present” all the time. Maybe you share the same hope that one day your anxiety will vanish into thin air! Here’s a closer look at why anxiety doesn’t just disappear and how you can better manage high anxiety days with confidence and compassion until you are able to return back to a clear mind and a balanced heart.

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Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman

What You Really Should Know About Managing your Anxiety

Gaining control over your anxiety is possible. However, only 36.9% of people diagnosed with anxiety ask for help. I see so many people taking fiction as facts that they talk themselves out of taking steps to conquer their anxiety before they even start! Can you relate? What if I told you THAT YOU CAN manage your anxiety on your own, but that you have to LEARN HOW TO first? Here’s how to find peace and freedom from your anxious mind by learning effective ways to manage your anxiety and how you can do it on your own.

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Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman

How to Stop Your Overthinking, Anxious Mind All On Your Own

I know you’re constantly being asked to do more with less and be everything to everyone.  The amount of tasks, responsibilities and roles you manage on a daily basis is impressive.  My guess is that you feel overwhelmed most of the time and I can completely relate.  Being busy and anxious is exhausting.  The worst part for me was that I felt like I couldn’t do anything about it.  Until I learned that I could.  Here’s how to live in the present moment, stop your overthinking mind and prevent fatigue.  You’ll tackle that to-do list in no time with ease and clarity.  

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Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman

Are You Tired of Doubting Yourself and Letting Your Inner Critic Hold You Back?

This inner voice is your negativity bias - it is holding you back from living your best life and it is ruthless.  It probably sounds something like, “I’m not good enough, pretty enough, successful enough, smart enough, or talented enough.”  (And the list goes on, and on.)  Can you imagine the possibilities for your life without this nagging voice? Learn how to free yourself from paralyzing negative self-talk in order to feel a deeper sense of self-love and achieve goals you never thought possible. 

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Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman Anxiety Relief Michele Lyman

The Number One Secret To Managing Your Anxiety

Inside that brain of yours is a constant dialogue that just keeps jumping from one idea, thought or emotion to another. It’s exhausting. I get it. But what if I told you that your anxious mind does not define you and that you can learn how to separate from your anxious thoughts in order to feel grounded and balanced?

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